We turn ideas into products
what we do
design • develop • deploy

BigBit Technologies is a software development agency that helps companies solve hard technical problems using custom software and cloud infrastructure.


We can get your startup on its feet fast! Whether you're committed to a Version 1 release or just trying to prove an idea, we can handle the technical side of things so you can focus on perfecting the business model.

Big Data

Are you getting the most from your data? We can leverage the power of machine learning and data science to transform your application, and enable it to make smart data-driven decisions.

Features & Infrastructure

Is your application missing a key component? We've got the development process down to a science, and can capitalize on years of experience to deliver your application's next great feature.

Give your startup rocket boosters
On the road to Version 1

Your most precious resource is time. We can accelerate your startup's ascent by completing key steps in the product development process.

Proof of Concept

Analyze your project idea, determine if it's technologically fesible, and construct a prototype that validates the core technical concept.

Minimum Viable Product

Implement any additional features required for the product's use and validate the product concept by conducting a private beta.


Public Beta

Grow your user base, gather feedback from the general public, and validate the business concept by making your product available to early adopters.


Version 1

Address all product and technical issues identified in the Public Beta, polish all systems and interfaces, and open the gates to the world.

Cloud Infrastructure

Deploy your product onto cloud-based hardware to ensure that your application is always available and can handle the weight of a global user base.

Support & Maintenance

Ensure that your infrastructure is always up to date and that your product is always running smoothly. Otherwise we can simply hand over the keys to your technical team.

We make apps intelligent
Big Data
Put your data to work

The world is creating more data than ever before. We can leverage the power of statistics and machine learning to implement a wide variety of data-driven features.

Product Recommenders

Deliver personalized shopping recommendations to your users, increasing the likelyhood that they make multiple purchases or become repeat customers.

Adaptive Content

Model your product's user activity and adjust the structure, content, or presentation of information in order to better address the needs of your users.


Allow your users to traverse vasts amounts of data, instantly discover highly relevant content, and do it all at the blink of an eye.

Language Processing

Automatically extract key ideas and concepts from long form text such as online reviews, emails, and customer feedback.

Fraud Detection

Build automated systems capable of identifying fradulent transactions as soon as they occur so you can better mitigate their effect.

Predictive Analytics

Mine your data for patterns and insights, then leverage those insights to make smart decisions such as automatically identifying ready-to-buy customers.

Build great applications
Features & Infrastructure
Taking apps to the next level

A Version 1 release is a milestone worth celebrating, but it's not the end of the road. Once your product starts gaining widespread user adoption, you'll need to implement systems that enhance business development and facilitate future growth.

DevOps & Automation

Keep your operation humming along and guard against production bugs by fully automating product releases, feature testing, infrastructure updates, and other manual or repetitive tasks.

Mobile Interfaces

Ensure that your product is not ignoring a growing population of mobile-first users by implementing responsive interfaces that make your product look great on any device.

Click Tracking

Track how users are interacting with your application, monitor key metrics in real time, and gain visibility into your application's inner workings.


Leverage cloud services like AWS and Microsoft Azure to ensure that your application never goes down and can handle sudden spikes in demand.

API Integrations

Encourage users to do more with your product by incorporating external data sources, integrating with external services, and enabling access to your data using REST APIs.

Custom Development

Sometimes you only know the high level goal, and that's perfectly fine. We can help you analyze the problem, define the project requirements, and come up with an implementation plan.

Send us a note
Contact Us
Let's get the ball rolling

Our engineers would be glad to discuss your project and address any questions you may have. You can contact us using the form below, and we'll get back to you later today.